About KMG

KMG Insurance Solutions was created because 95% of agents/brokers have lost sight of the fact that of all the professionals that an individual or a company hires to help them NOBODY touches the individual and their family members, or a company and each employee and their families as deeply as your health insurance agent/broker does.

It is a huge responsibly I take seriously.

Whenever one segment of an economy exhibits year after year inflation above the general rate like the American medical care industry and there is no constraint on supply, then either a cartel is in operation or there is a lack of price transparency – or both. Unfortunately, individuals in America are fighting a cartel and lack of price transparency. Individuals and companies cannot fight these elements without the help of an expert that knows the system, and will fight for them and not look to profit off them.

Please recognize there are 2 types of agents:
  • There either those who are fighting the system every single day relentlessly for their clients, or
  • You are an agent that is part of the problem and happy to profit from it.
Purchased medical health insurance for myself, a woman. There is no in between! Make sure your friends, family & employer has the agent that understands the perverse incentivized system and is willing to fight it on your behalf.

My message to you is don’t be scared, be brave. Be among one of the early individuals or organizations that figure out how to master and thrive in the inevitable future. If you want to thrive in the future you will need more than a health insurance broker/agent, you need a health insurance advisor. A health insurance advisor is an individual that is extremely Knowledgeable , pays Meticulous attention to your needs and budget, and Genuinely cares about you, your family members, your employees and their family members.

I can’t get over the fact that I know every hour, every minute people are going broke, not able to educate their kids, and are suffering physically, financially, emotionally because of crippling costs and the inappropriate system we have set-up in healthcare. I can’t reconcile myself without not doing something about it.  

Why did I choose the fleur-de-lis as my company logo symbol?

K.M.G. has a deep meaning. They are the initials of my late grandmother Kathryn Miller Geraci and she loved the fleur-de-lis symbol. My grandmother was my guiding light and at KMG. Insurance Solutions, I will be your guiding light in making sure that you have an advisor that will get you the coverage you need to protect you and your loved ones from life's unknowns.